Catalog SearchSearch types are below; Keyword Search:To search by words or phrases anywhere in the catalog record. Search results. Search results can be narrowed down.
Reference only |
Not for loan. To place a hold is not allowed. ※For reference use only. |
2 copies |
The library holds 2 copies. |
On loan |
Item has been borrowed. |
2 holds |
2 holds placed on the item. |
Missing |
Item is missing and currently unavailable. |
Not in the collection |
Item is not owned by the library. |
Withdrawn |
Item will be withdrawn from the catalog. Item records will be deleted. |
Not available issue |
Issue is not available. |
Backorder |
Item is on order and has not yet arrived because of out of stock or unpublished. |
In bindery |
Item is sent to bindery. |
Bound |
Item is finished binding. |
Not arrived |
Item is on order and not yet received. |
To sort data using desired sorting item (Title, Author, Publisher, Publication date, Classification Number ※Sorting item is different according to the library),click [Sort] at the top of a page.
・When results is sorted by "Default",data is sorted predetermined order.
・【Ascendant】:Alphabetical order (ABC…),Japanese Alphabetical order (アイウ…),Chronological order (Past, Present, Future)
・【Descendant】:Reverse alphabetical order,Reverse Japanese Alphabetical order,Reverse chronological order (Future,Present,Past)
Some materials can be exported to TSV format by clicking[Download]at the top of a page.
1.If necessary,click [Sort]at the top of a page, to sort data using desired sorting item (Title, Author, Publisher, Publication date, Classification Number and Default).
2.Click [Download] at the top of a page.
3."Download search results"screen is displayed ,select desired materials and click [Download].
4. Choose your download folder and save the file.
When wish to be exported whith item names,please download after checking a[Add header]box.
Click on the title to view details of an item.
・The material can be exported to TSV format by clicking[Download]at the top of a page.
・The locationmap of the material can be displayed in another window by clicking[Location]at the top of a page.
・The material can be exported to "RefWorks" by clicking[RefWorks]at the top of a page.
・The material's Summary, Contents, Author Profile, Cover Image provided by NICHIGAI ASSOCIATES Inc. are displayed at the bottom of a page.
Click on "Search more in the result" to narrow your search result.
Click [Place hold] on the side of each record to place a hold on an item.
You can narrow down your search result.
1. Click "Search more in the result".
Click "List of present result" to return to the present result. Do not use the browser's [Back] or [Forward] button.
2.Select number of records to display all at once for each material type.
Larger numbers may require more processing time.
3.Select Boolean operators (AND/OR) which works between the present search and the next search.
To narrow down the present search result with the next search conditions.
To add the next search conditions to the present search results.
To exclude the next search conditions from the present search result.
4.Enter the search word(s),and select search options.
Fill in one word in each field,and set up various conditions.
See:Search Wods
Fuzzy : Fuzzy string matching. Click "Fuzzy", if exact spelling is not known.
AND/OR/PHRASE :To refine searches, use Boolean operators between words and phrases in each search field.
Headed /Included/Exactly matched :Matching conditions.
See:ISBN Publication date Classification
5.Select Boolean operators (AND/OR) which works between search item fields.
Enter "Stephen King" in the Author field and "2000/1/1"
in the Publication date.
→Select "AND" to find his the author's books published after 2000.
→Select "OR" to find all books by the author and all books published after 2000.
Use "AND" between terms to retrieve only records that contain both "term A" and "term B".
Use "OR" between terms to retrieve records that contain either one or both "term A" and "term B".
6.Click [Find books] .
Click [Reset] reset all form fields.
7.The search result screen displays title,volume,author,publisher,and publication date, etc.
Click on a title to display details of an item.
Click " Search more in results" to narrow down search results.
See:Secondary Search
Click [Place hold] on the side of each record
to place a hold on an item.
See:Place Hold