Search Values

Search Words

Type words or numbers in text fields.

  • Enter the search word(s) (for multiple words, insert blank spaces between the words)
  • (ex.)
    When you enter time out, searches the records include time out ,timeout appears in the search result.

  • Use 2-byte Katakana.
  • We reccomend to use 2-byte Katakana.

  • Set up various conditions.
  • AND/OR/PHRASE :Boolean operators which work between words and phrases in one search field
    Headed /Included/Exactly matched :matching conditions
    Fuzzy :not to distinguish search words by the differences of letters


    You can choose a Boolean operator from the select box on the right which works between search words entered in one search item field.

    When you enter Henry and James in author field and select "AND", you get the search result of records which include both words as author Henry and James .
    On the contrary, if you select "OR" you get the search result of all records which include words as author Henry , James and Henry James.
    In addition, if you select "PHRASE" you get the search result of records which limited words as author Henry James .

  • AND
  • Searches for books which contain all words .

    To narrow search results which contain the search words both "A" and "B".

  • OR
  • Searches for books which contain any one of the words

    To expand search results which contain the search words "A" or "B" or both "A" and "B".

  • Searches for books which match the exact words in that exact order without any change.

    Headed /Included/Exactly matched

    You can choose the matching condition from the box on the right of each search item.

  • Headed(:forward match search)
  • To search a record which includes a data field starts with the search word you enter.

    When you enter out
    →Headed: outoutdoors
    →Included: outoutdoorsknockout
    →Exactly matched: out

  • Included (:partly match search)
  • To search a record which includes the search word you enter anywhere in a data field.

  • Exactly matched (:exact match search)
  • To search a record which includes the exact same words you enter in a data field.


    "Fuzzy" search does not distinguish search words by the differences of letters, such as 2 bytes or 1 byte Hiragana and Katakana and capital or small alphabet letters.

    Mark the check box by side of "Fuzzy" to select fuzzy search.

    When you enter library,
    →the search result includes library  LIBRARY  Library library LIBRARY Library.


    Enter ISBN or ISSN with 1 byte numbers.

    For multiple codes, insert blank spaces between the search values.

    Search goes forward match.

    International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is unique ten digit code given to books to identify a specific information of publication. International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), unique eight digit code, as for serials.

    Publication date

    Enter publication date (if known).

  • Use four numbers for year (YYYY/MM/DD)
  • Use 1-byte numerals
  • Unnecessary to put zero for 1-9

  • (ex.)

  • between 19th.Jan.2007 and 19th.Mar.2007
  • 2007/ 1/192007/ 3/19

  • after 19th.Jan.2002
  • 2002/ 1/19   / / 

  • till 19th.Mar.2007
  •    / / 2007/ 3/19

  • one year (2007)
  • 2007/ /  2007/ / 

  • one month (Jan.2007)
  • 2007/ 1/  2007/ 1/ 


    Click [Select] on the right of the input field to select a code or directly enter the classification number .

    Search goes forward match, which means you don't have to type all numbers if you know some numbers from the head.

    "Classification" is number or code to organize the library collection into groups by subjects. Most libraries use NDC (Nihon Decimal Classification) and some use their original classification system.


  • from 901 to 903
  • 901 903 

  • from 901
  • 901    

  • to 100
  •    100 


    Click [Select] on the right of the input field to select a code or directly enter the code value.

    For multiple codes, click [Select] again,and you can see blank spaces between the codes.

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